Friday Nikkei League Team Duties


Team #1 - 1st Place Playoff Prize & Forfeit Blanket

1.     Responsible for providing the 1st place playoff prizes at the end of the season (current allotment - $20 per person). Please keep all receipts to be reimbursed.

2.     Your team must bring the forfeit blanket to league nights and also for playoffs. DO NOT LOSE THE BLANKET.


Team #2 - 2nd Place Playoff Prize & Score sheets

1.     Responsible for providing the 2nd place playoff prizes at the end of the season (current allotment - $15 per person). Please keep all receipts to be reimbursed.

2.     Responsible for bringing the score sheets each week. Also after each night, turn in score sheets to committee members.

Team #3 - First Aid Kit

1.     Responsible for bringing the First Aid Kit each week and making sure it is kept tidy and that pertinent items are kept in supply (submit receipts to Donna Minagawa for reimbursement). The First Aid Kit should be at the gym before league play begins.


Team #4 - Flip Score Boards

1.     Responsible for making sure there is a flip score board at EACH court BEFORE league play begins.

2.     At the end of each league night, collect all (3) flip score boards and store until the following league night. Make sure the person who takes them home will be there early the following week. This responsibility can be shared by the entire team.

3.     Captains, please know who has the flip score boards at all times during the season, including playoffs.  

Teams #5 – Lost & Found/Clean-Up

1.     Responsible for making sure there are no "articles" left in the gym and lobby at the end of each night. They will keep a Lost & Found box and display any items that are left. 

2.     Responsible for cleaning up trash, food or drinks left in the gym.

Team #6 – Nets & Antennas – Wk 1&2

Team #7 – Nets & Antennas – Wk 3&4

Team #8 – Nets & Antennas – Wk 5&6

Team #9 – Nets & Antennas – Wk 7&8


1.     SETTING UP NETS & ANTENNAS FOR THE CLUB. This team should be at the gym at least 20 minutes EARLY to set up nets & antennas.